We are so proud of our work in Protected Areas. From Madagascar, to Gabon, to Belize and Panama, our work plays a role in helping preserve wildlife and contributes to education and livelihoods around the parks. Our work in Protected Areas across the world informs just about everything we do.
We worked with Parks Gabon and the Wildlife Conservation Society to develop a ‘Vision for Development in the 21st Century’. This hardcover lushly illustrated book is the plan for all sustainable development in the nation and a National Geographic ‘Changemaker’ finalist for its innovative master planning, design and green plan created by Cresolus with support from local people, scientists and government leaders.
ANGAP, the Parks authority in Madagascar hired us to consult with communities and design solutions to improve visitor experience as well as concept ideas for kickstarting tourism with local communities in 3 parks.
The government of Belize contracted Cresolus to improve visitor experience in Mountain Pine Ridge national parks; our suite of vision reception areas; eco-tourism products and trail infrastructure are making the park more attractive to investors and visitors.
Panama’s Soberania National Park will be getting a much needed upgrade when our designs for its jewel: Soberania National Park go into effect. It was a privilege to work with parks experts and representatives from recreational clubs to find solutions to competing ideas on access and use.